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Help make dreams come true for children with life-threatening illnesses. Donate today, your support helps bring joy to their hearts and yours.

Individual donations help make dreams come true

Your time makes a difference 

Give a child the chance to make their wish come true

Find out how to get involved with our fundraising opportunities

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About Us
For over 35 years it's been our goal, at the Make-A-Wish Foundation, to grant a wish for every child with a life-threatening illness. We believe that every wish experience greatly and positively impacts children facing these medical conditions. This one belief guides us in our mission and in reaching our goals. It takes thousands of volunteers, sponsors, and donors to make these wishes come true but together we can make it happen.
Our Story
Learn more about the story of how it all started and our history over the past 35 years. Together we make dreams come true one wish at a time.

Learn more about the impact of granting wishes and how your dontations and efforts can make a difference. 


At Make-A-Wish we grant wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses roughly every 35 minutes. Every wish kid is unique and so is their wish. A combined 89% of health professionals believe that the wish experience can influence a wish kids' health. This is why wishes matter and this is why we strive to make their wishes come true.

Get Involved

In 2015 Make-A-Wish granted 14,800 wishes. The most in our 35-year history. It took nearly 28,000 volunteers to make that happen. The average cost of a wish experience is $10,103. We need your help to continue the tradition and to reach our goal of granting the wish for every child facing a life-threatening illness. 


Find out how you can help today. Your donations and time make an impact in sharing the power of a wish.  



Every 35 minutes we grant wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses. Every wish kid is unique and so is their wish. A combined 89% of health professionals believe that the wish experience can influence a wish kids' health. This is why wishes matter and this is why we strive to make their wishes come true.

Get Involved

In 2015, Make-A-Wish granted 14,800 wishes, the most in our 35-year history! It took nearly 28,000 volunteers to make that happen. The average cost of a wish experience is $10,103. We need your help to continue the tradition and to reach our goal of granting the wish for every child facing a life-threatening illness. 


Find out how you can help today. Your donations and time make an impact in sharing the power of a wish.  

Learn more about the impact of granting wishes and how your dontations and efforts can make a difference. 

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